
Hello! You've hit the Keith Grainger wine website. Here you can find out about me, my books, and about forthcoming events. There are also informative articles on winemaking and quality in wine.
You can also learn about wine technology, winemaking and faults and flaws.. These pages change regularly, and more informal pieces can be found in my blog. Whether you are a wine professional, or just love a glass and want to discover more, there's something here for you.
Wine Faults and Flaws: A Practical Guide
From the back cover:
An essential guide to the faults and flaws that can affect wine.
Written by the award-winning wine expert, Keith Grainger, this book provides a detailed examination and explanation of the causes and impact of the faults, flaws and taints that may affect wine. Each fault is discussed using the following criteria: what it is; how it can be detected by sensory or laboratory analysis; what the cause is; how it might be prevented; whether an affected wine is treatable, and if so, how; and the science applicable to the fault.
This book will prove invaluable to winemakers, wine technologists and quality control professionals. Wine critics, writers, educators and sommeliers will also find the topics highly relevant. The wine-loving consumer, including wine collectors will also find the book a great resource and the basis for discussion at tastings with like-minded associates.

Great News for all my friends in Spain, Chile, Argentina and south-western USA: I have just heard that the Spanish Edition of 'Wine Faults and Flaws: A Practical Guide is now available: DEFECTOS e IMPERFECCIONES del VINO Guía práctica.
The English edition won the 2022 Prix de l'OIV (OIV Award) for the Oenology Category. The OIV is an intergovernmental organisation whose functions include setting the standards for grape growing and winemaking globally. I will be receiving the award in Bordeaux on September 30th. Following my success in the Gourmand Awards for The Best Wine Book for Professionals, I am over the moon! It is available in hardback, as an e-book and also on Kindle.
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'Insightful and poetic article'
Studio Cru
"I adore when Keith Grainger writes"
Alessandra Zambonin, Studio Cru
An excellent book. The amount of research and work that has gone into it is unbelievable.
Philip Tuck, Hatch Mansfield
'The tasting was very well received and the wines excellent. You were on top form.'
David Johnston, COMETS
Your article is great....we especially loved your explanation of difference in the soils of the two Superiore, Valdobbiadene and Asolo
Manuela Oregna, Villa Sandi
Best book ever read on wine faults - highly recommend for wine makers
Amazon Reviewer
'Thank you for your wonderful article Keith. Your portrait of our terroir is simply perfect.'
Angelo Peretti, The Internet Gourmet
'We love your writing style. So full of poetry and clever insights.'
Alessandra Zambonin, Studio Cru
'Many thanks for your excellent presentation'
David Johnston, Civil Service Club
'The best presenter we have ever had'
Linda, Newark Wine Society
'I thought your piece for the IWFS Magazine was really excellent'
Oz Clarke
'You’ve inspired a large audience to understand more.'
Liz Sagues, Wine Writer
'Thank you so much for an exceptional talk.'
Meg Maker
'It was a great presentation. I am going to buy the book.'
Nick Room, RT Wine Solutions
'You impart what you know in a way that is truly inspirational'
Edouard Cointreau, Gourmand
'Your presentation this morning was invaluable and spell-bounding.'
Luisa Welch, AWE
'My brain has barely recovered from this morning’s excellent presentation'
Laura Clay, AWE
A big "Thank You" for your brilliant course @ Marks & Spencer yesterday. Courses can often be disappointing, but not this one! The day was so informative, but yet so very enjoyable. I just wanted to express my thanks. You have now made me feel even more motivated.
Rob Donaldson, Marks and Spencer
'Written by the leader in the field, this is the book I read myself'
Edouard Cointreau, Gourmand Awards
'I really enjoyed this book … A constant feature of this book is how well Keith balances his mastery of the technicalities with a certain 'common touch', the ability to explain sometimes complex issues in easy-to-understand terms.'
Richard Bampfield MW
'Thank you so much for your brilliant talk at Leeds university on Tuesday night, I thoroughly enjoyed it and found it very interesting'
Coralie Strong, Leeds University Wine Society
'It was great pleasure to listen to your exceptional presentation yesterday evening. The members were given a great opportunity hear of and to enjoy the wide variety of wines. The detailed information about the wines and the background to the region were very interesting and very well…
Bruce Hammersley, Freeland Wine Club
My wife and I really enjoyed your presentation here in Cardiff last night. We learned a lot from your insider knowledge of Australian wines.
Vaughan Petersen
Keith is an excellent and entertaining presenter, highly knowledgeable, and full of irreverent humour. He has the advantage over many other presenters of actually having made wine in several countries, including South Africa, Turkey, and Cyprus, over many years.
Richard Bost, Hextable Wine Club
'Keith is an excellent and entertaining presenter, highly knowledgeable, and full of irreverent humour. He has the advantage over many other presenters of actually having made wine in several countries, including South Africa, Turkey, and Cyprus, over many years.'
Richard Bost, Hextable Wine Club